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西安钟楼导游词 第1篇

Good morning, Welcome to the ancient city of Xi' Nice to meet I'm your tour guide this My name is Xu Just call me Xu Dao or Chen Now let's start the journey of Xi'an ancient city wall!

First of all, I would like to briefly introduce the ancient city wall of Xi' The ancient city wall of Xi'an is also called Xi'an Ming city It is located in the central area of Xi'an, Shaanxi The height of the wall is 12 meters, the top width is 12-14 meters, the bottom width is 15-18 meters, and the outline is a closed rectangle with a perimeter of 13 74 The city wall is used to be called the ancient city area, with an area of 11 square With an area of 32 square kilometers, the famous bell and Drum Tower in Xi'an is located in the center of the ancient

In front of us is the main gate of the city There are four gates like this: Changle gate (East Gate), Yongning gate (South Gate), Anding gate (West Gate) and Anyuan gate (North Gate). The four gates were the original gates of the Ming city Because of the military and defense needs at that time, they were all single door caves, and they all built three walls, and Weng city was formed between the two So far, except Yongning gate, only two walls are left in the other three

OK, here's your free Please gather here in an

At the end of this tour, thank you for your support to my I wish you all good health and good Goodbye in the

西安钟楼导游词 第2篇




陕西西安作为千年古都,历代曾多次修筑城墙。它们多数被历史的尘埃掩埋。我们现在看到的城墙可追溯到隋代。公元1369年,明王朝大将徐达从山西进入陕西,将原来的奉天路改为西安,意为" 西方长治久安" 。拉开了明在西安修筑城墙的序幕。历时8年修筑完的城墙外形是一座长方形。城墙高15米,顶宽12—14米,底宽16—18米,周长公里。最底层用黄土与石灰、糯米汁拌合而成,干燥之后,异常坚固。


城墙最外围是护城河,也叫" 城壕", 是城墙的第一道防线。它可以阻滞敌人进攻, 甚至可以利用有利地形把敌人趁机消灭。环绕陕西西安城墙的护城河宽20米, 跨过护城河就是城门,而连接护城河与城门的唯一通道就是吊桥。平时,守城士兵听从晨钟暮鼓的指挥,早晨降下吊桥,开启城门; 晚上升起吊桥,断绝交通。一旦发生战争,吊桥升起,城门紧闭,城门就成为坚固封闭的战斗堡垒。








众所周知,一般寺庙都有大雄宝殿,慈恩寺也一样。它的大雄宝殿位于寺院中心高台上,初建于明天顺二年(公元1458年)至成化二年(公元 1466年),清光绪十三年(公元1887年)曾予大修。大殿上面三座塑像是释迎牟尼三身像。中间的叫法身像,西边的叫报身像,东边的叫应身像。释迎牟尼为佛教始祖,原是古印度迎毗罗卫国的王子,生于公元前565年,死于公元前486年,大约与孔子同时代。三身佛东侧立有释迦牟尼的十大弟子之一迎叶;西侧立有其堂弟阿难,他待从释迦牟尼25年,也是十大弟子之一。两侧是十八罗汉和玄奘塑像。





各位游客,大家一定看过中国四大名著之一的.《西游记》及据此改编的同名电视连续剧,那么《西游记》里的唐僧是否就是唐代这位著名和尚玄奘呢?玄奘法师俗姓陈,13岁在洛阳出家为增,勤奋好学,在国内各地访师问学后,决意到佛教发源地印度去探索佛教的精蕴。玄奘于唐贞观三年(公元629年)从长安出发,沿着丝绸之路,穿越上天飞鸟、下无走兽的戈壁沙漠,西行直至天竺,贞观十九年(公元645年)学成后返回长安,历时17年,行程5万公里,经100 多个国家和地区,取回佛经657部,并在印度获得极高地位,备受尊崇。回国后,在唐皇室的支持下,他集中各地博学高僧,组成规模空前的佛经译物场,并亲自任译主。翻译的佛经无论从质量或数量上都远远超过前人,开创了我国翻译史上的新时期,共译著佛经75部1335卷,撰写了《大唐西域记》,受到各国学者的重视。应该说《西游记》是以唐代玄类西出取经为背景而写成的,但故事里的唐僧不全指玄奘,而是一个经过艺术化的文学作品里的人物。



西安钟楼导游词 第3篇


















西安钟楼导游词 第4篇














与钟楼遥遥相对的是鼓楼,楼底门洞为南北向,北通北院门,南达西大街。鼓楼建于明洪武十三年,与钟楼是姊妹楼。在鼓楼的第一层北面有一面巨鼓,与钟楼上的晨钟形成暮鼓,所以称为鼓楼。楼体呈长方形,基座的门洞高与宽均为6米,洞深38米。鼓楼建筑为重檐歇山式,琉璃瓦覆顶,重檐三滴水。楼分上、下两层。南北檐下各有一块匾,南为清乾隆皇帝御笔刻书:“文武盛地”,北为咸宁县书生李允宽书写“声闻于天”。在鼓楼的外檐都饰有斗拱,四面有回廊。天花板上油漆彩绘云形图案,古色古香,十分美丽。钟鼓楼交相辉映,使古城西安更加美丽壮观。 好了,钟鼓楼的参观到这里就结束了。谢谢大家!

西安钟楼导游词 第5篇

The bell tower is located at the intersection of the East, West, South and North streets in Xi' It was used to ring the bell in the early morning in ancient times, so it is called the bell Since its completion, the bell tower has been regarded as a symbol of the ancient city of Xi'an and is now a key cultural relic protection unit in Shaanxi It is the largest and best preserved bell tower left over from ancient Xi'an is an important military and political town in Northwest China in Ming Its bell tower ranks the first in terms of architectural scale, historical value and artistic value in

The bell tower was built in The base of the clock tower is square, covering an area of square meters, meters high and meters wide, all of which are built with green The building is of brick and wood structure, 36 meters The external eaves have three layers, but the internal eaves have only two The eaves of the building have four corners, and the eaves are decorated with painted "Dou Gong" is one of the characteristics of ancient wooden buildings in It is also unique in the history of world It can not only make the building stronger, but also more Dougong appeared in Shang We can see a complete picture of Dougong on the patterns of Chinese

Features: the bell tower was built in 1384 in the 17th year of Hongwu reign of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of Ming It was named after the iron bell hanging on the When it was first built, it was located at today's Guangji street, facing the drum In the 10th year of Wanli reign of emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty (1582 AD), Gong Xian, the imperial envoy of xun'an, presided over the relocation of the bell The bell tower is a typical architectural style of the Ming Dynasty, with double eaves and Dougong, high-rise and slightly upturned

Anecdote of giant Bell: on the northwest corner of the bell tower is a Ming Dynasty iron bell, weighing 5 tons, with eight trigrams patterns cast on the side of the It was built in the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty (1465-1487). But it is much smaller than the bronze bell that hung in the bell tower The huge bell originally hung in the bell tower is the "Jingyun bell" cast in the Jingyun period of the Tang Dynasty (now stored in the forest of Steles Museum). It is said that after moving to the present site, although the style and size of the building have not changed, the Jingyun bell will never No choice but to

西安钟楼导游词 第6篇

Good morning everyone!

Today we will have three places to visit—the Bell Tower the Drum Tower and the City Well. First we come to the Bell Tower.

The Bell Tower, a classical building with carved beams and painted rafters, has been served as the symbol of Xi’an. It stands in the center of the downtown area where the north street, the south street, the west street and the east street meet. And the tower house a huge bell which in ancient times was use to strike the time every morning. This is how the tower got its name. now it is an important historical monument in shaanxi Province.

The Bell tower was first built in Ying Xiang temple in 1384 during the Ming dynasty. It was moved to its present site in 1582 as a result of the city‘s expansion program.

Ladies and gentlemen, There is a story about the Bell Tower. It’s said that the first emperor of Ming dynasty , Zhu yuanzhang , he was born in a poor family. Both his parent died when he was young, and he had to live a hard life. Later, he went to a temple to become a monk. When he ascended the throne, he was afraid of being deposed by someone of “real dragon”. Therefore, he gave orders to build bell tower all over the county to repress the “dragon spirits”. Xi’an has been the imperial capital city since ancient times. So the “dragon spirits ” must be very strong here. That’s why the bell tower in Xi’an was not only built earlier, but also bigger than the other ones in the country. The base of the tower is 1,337.4 square meters in size, 8.6 meters high and 35.5 meters wide. It was laid with blue bricks all over. The whole building is 36 meters above ground. It is a brick-and –wood structure. The eaves are supported by colored “dou gong” a traditional structural system in which brackets are used to join columns and crossbeams, the use of dou gong made the whole building firm and beautiful.

Well, next we will visit the Drum Tower nearly.

The Drum Tower stands 500 meters to the northwest of the Bell Tower. It was built in 1380. There used to be a huge drum in the tower, which told the time at dark, and that is how the tower got its present name. Besides marking the time, the drum was also used to give warnings to people in times of war. The base of The Drum Tower is 1,924 square meters in size, and 34 meters in height. It was built with blue bricks. The Drum Tower has a rectangular shape and shows tier and the outside eaves are decorated with networks of wood arches.

At last, we will visit the famous city wall of Xi’an. The most complete and the best preserved city wall in china.

The city wall of Xi’an is an extension of the prior Tang dynasty structure. It was stared in 1370 and finished in 1378 and has a rectangular –shaped construction. It is over 4 kilometers from the east to west and about 3 kilometers from the north to south. And the total length is 13.7 kilometers. It stands 12 meters high, 12-14 meters wide across the top and 15-18 meters thick at the button. On the top of the city wall, there is a rampart every 120 meters, which extends out from the main wall. The top of the rampart is at the same level as the top of the wall. The ramparts were built to allow soldiers to see those enemies who would try to climb up the wall. The distance between every two ramparts is just within the range of arrow shot from either side. This allowed soldiers to protect the entire wall without exposing themselves to the enemy. There are altogether 98 of them on the city wall and each has a sentry building on top of it.

There are four main gates of the city wall-one on each side-named the east gate, the west gate, south gate and north gate. The four gates of the city wall were the only way to go into and out of town. In Xi’an, each of the four gates consists of three gate towers. The main gate tower is called ZhengLou which is located on top of the main part of the city wall. It is the inner one and is also the main entrance to the city. Zha lou is the gate tower which a suspension bridge and located outside of the city wall. It’s used to lift and lower the suspension bridge. Jian lou is the arrow tower and located in between the Zhenglou and Zhaloutowers. There are square windows in the front and on the two sides to shoot arrows. Jianlou and Zhenglou are connected by walls and the encircled area is called Wongcheng in which soldiers could be stationed. From Wongcheng, there are also horse passages leading to the top of the wall. There are altogether eleven horse passages around the city.

A watch tower is located on each of the four corners of the wall. The one at the southwestern corner is round, probably after the model of the imperial city wall of the Tang dynasty. But the other three are square and are higher and larger than the sentry building on the ramparts. This shows the strategic importance of the corners of the city wall.

All right, we have finished visiting the famous city wall of Xi’an. Thank you.

西安钟楼导游词 第7篇

我们现在看到的就是钟楼。钟楼位于市中心东、西、南、北四条大街的交会处,它建于明洪武十七年 (1384年),当时钟楼的位置并不在现在这个地方,那么它在哪儿呢?请大家顺着我手指的方向看,那座与钟楼遥相呼应的楼就是鼓楼,钟楼最初的位置在鼓楼以西的迎祥观内。迎祥观是唐朝一座非常著名的道观,唐睿宗李旦为了给自已的母亲过寿,特制了一口钟安放在迎祥观内。随着城市的发展,西安城不断地扩建,钟楼就偏于城西,不再居于城市中心了。在这种情况下,公元1582年明政府就将钟楼迁移至今天的位置。





建筑首先作为一种物质财富,也和其他物质一样,在人类创造的过程中,不但产生了物质的躯体,同时也产生了美的形象,在房屋的整体和房屋各种构件的制作中,人们都对它进行程度不同的美的加工,装饰就是这样开始在建筑上出现的。古建筑的门窗是与人接触最多的部分,在它们身上自然集中地进行了多种装饰处理。大家现在看到的格子门,门扉上都有木刻浮雕,内容有生动感人的民间传说、回味无穷的历史故事,楼上楼下加起来共有64幅,若朋友们感兴趣,不妨仔细研究一下, 看看您能猜对多少。


西安钟楼导游词 第8篇















西安钟楼导游词 第9篇

Good morning, Welcome to the ancient city of Xi' Nice to meet I'm your tour guide this My name is Xu Just call me Xu Dao or Chen Now let's start the journey of Xi'an ancient city wall!

First of all, I would like to briefly introduce the ancient city wall of Xi' The ancient city wall of Xi'an is also called Xi'an Ming city It is located in the central area of Xi'an, Shaanxi The height of the wall is 12 meters, the top width is 12-14 meters, the bottom width is 15-18 meters, and the outline is a closed rectangle with a perimeter of 13 74 The city wall is used to be called the ancient city area, with an area of 11 square With an area of 32 square kilometers, the famous bell and Drum Tower in Xi'an is located in the center of the ancient

In front of us is the main gate of the city There are four gates like this: Changle gate (East Gate), Yongning gate (South Gate), Anding gate (West Gate) and Anyuan gate (North Gate). The four gates were the original gates of the Ming city Because of the military and defense needs at that time, they were all single door caves, and they all built three walls, and Weng city was formed between the two So far, except Yongning gate, only two walls are left in the other three

OK, here's your free Please gather here in an

西安钟楼导游词 第10篇














与钟楼遥遥相对的是鼓楼,楼底门洞为南北向,北通北院门,南达西大街。鼓楼建于明洪武十三年,与钟楼是姊妹楼。在鼓楼的第一层北面有一面巨鼓,与钟楼上的晨钟形成暮鼓,所以称为鼓楼。楼体呈长方形,基座的门洞高与宽均为6米,洞深38米。鼓楼建筑为重檐歇山式,琉璃瓦覆顶,重檐三滴水。楼分上、下两层。南北檐下各有一块匾,南为清乾隆皇帝御笔刻书:“文武盛地”,北为咸宁县书生李允宽书写“声闻于天”。在鼓楼的外檐都饰有斗拱,四面有回廊。天花板上油漆彩绘云形图案,古色古香,十分美丽。钟鼓楼交相辉映,使古城西安更加美丽壮观。 好了,钟鼓楼的参观到这里就结束了。谢谢大家!

西安钟楼导游词 第11篇

Today we will visit the city wall, the bell tower and the drum tower. Its my pleasure to serve you.

The ancient castle we now see is the Ming xi an city wall, which was built on the foundation of the imperial city of tangan in the early Ming dynasty. It is one of the most famous cities in the late middle ages of China, and it is the largest and most complete defense facility of ancient military castles in the world.

Xi an, as the ancient capital of the millennium, has built the wall many times in the past. Most of them are buried by the dust of history. The walls we see now go back to the sui dynasty. In 1369, the Ming dynasty moved xu da from shanxi to shaanxi, and changed the original fengtian road to xi an, meaning "western lasting peace and stability". It was the prelude to the construction of the wall in xi an. The eight - year - old wall shape is a rectangle. The wall is 15 meters high, 12 to 14 meters wide, 16 to 18 meters wide and 13.9 kilometers in circumference. The bottom layer is mixed with lime and glutinous rice juice. After drying, it is exceptionally strong.

The ancient city wall of xi an includes a series of military installations including moat, suspension bridge, gate building, archery building, zhenglou, tower, enemy building, parapet and crenel. Well, now lets feel the scientific, rigorous and complete military defense system in person.

The periphery of the wall is the moat, also known as the moat, which is the first line of defense of the wall. It can block an enemys attack, or even take advantage of the terrain to destroy the enemy. The moat around the city wall of xi an is 20 meters wide, and the gate is crossed over the moat, and the only access to the moat and the gate is the drawbridge. At ordinary times, the soldiers in the city of the city listened to the commander of the morning bell, lowered the drawbridge in the morning and opened the city gates. Hoist the bridge at night and cut off traffic. Once a war has occurred, the drawbridge rises, the gates are closed, and the gates become fortified and enclosed fighting fortresses.

The city gate is the focal point of the city defense system, also is the weak spot. At ordinary times, it is a passageway to and from the city. In war, it is also the primary goal of defending the two sides. Therefore, the Ming dynasty attached great importance to improving the city gate defense facilities. One of the most notable technological breakthroughs is the use of the arch gate to prevent enemy fire. Ming xian city gate is very solid, door leaf with 16 cm thick boards, a fan gate 2.8 cubic meters with wood, door leaf horizontal turn up and down the iron bar reinforcement, the interval of each two bars, 180 iron needle mushrooms nails. There are 1,800 iron mushroom needles on the door. This compels the wood of the door, increasing the rigidity of the door, so that the arrow cant be shot in.

In order to improve the insurance coefficient of the city gate defense, the gate is actually made up of three parts, namely, gate building, archway and main building. The gate tower is the most outside, its function is the lift suspension bridge. Its used to make more. The enemy entered the gate of the gate, as if entering the urn, and would be attacked from all sides, so this space downstairs is also called "wengcheng". The archery is in the middle, with Windows on both sides, for archery. The wall between the archery and the archery is also called "weng city", which can be tunneled. The building is the main building of the city gate, which is the main building of the city. On the outside of the wall, there is an enemy stand outside the main body, commonly known as the "horse face", every 120 meters. There are 98 horses on the whole wall, the building on the horses face is called the enemy building, and the two towers are 120 meters apart, and the other side is 60 meters, which is "a stones throw away". This layout makes it easy to shoot the enemy from the side. Therefore, the ancients commented, "there is a city without a platform, and without a city, it is a city, so the guard is there, and so is the city." On the outside of the wall there are short pheasants, also known as "battlements", with crenel and square holes for archery and lookout. The inside wall, called the parapet, is designed to prevent soldiers from falling into the wall while they walk. At the four corners of xi an city, there is a tower called the "turret". In the city of weng, which is formed in the archery and the building, there is a horse road leading to the head, which is convenient for the horse and the horse. During the war, this is the key point for the mobilization of troops, and must be kept clear. So the guards are extremely strict.

As the years change, now we can see changle of xi an city wall gate, AnDingMen, rosefinch door, including door, jade auspicious door light, etc., the origin of these names from one side also reflects the ancient city of ups and downs failure. The city wall of Ming xian shows the wisdom and wisdom of the ancient working people in China. Well, the city wall of xi an is here, and we will continue to take you to the bell tower.

Bell tower and drum tower are the unique buildings of ancient Chinese cities. Bells and drums were the earliest percussion instruments in China, with a history of more than 3,000 years. Originally as a ritual instrument and musical instrument. Since the spring and autumn period, it has been used for military command. The ancient Chinese cities had the nature of military castles. Besides the city walls, excavating the moat and setting up the suspension bridge, they also built the bell tower in the center of the city as the command center. At ordinary times, with the morning clock, the time of the report, the time to open and close the suspension bridge, the emergency condition is used to alert the police, command the city defense. This rigorous urban defense system reached its peak in the Ming dynasty. Xi an is a military and political town in the northwest of the Ming dynasty. Its bell tower and drum tower are the most similar buildings in the country, regardless of its size, historical value or artistic value.

What we see now is the bell tower, the building is located in xi an, north and south, east and west four street interchange, it was built in Ming seventeen years, the original is located in the west street meet auspicious view, with the shift in the centre of the city, in the Ming wanli decade, god will tower to a whole demolition, moved to address today.

The bell tower is typical of the Ming dynasty architectural style, the building is 36 meters high, the heavy eaves and arch, magnificent and solemn. It consists of a base, a building and a roof. The base is square, all made of blue bricks. The building, as a square wooden structure, is surrounded by a cloister, which is a two-story building with wooden ladders circling overhead. Inside and below the building inside two floors square hall, display the Ming dynasty since the Ming dynasty all kinds of precious porcelain and red nanmu furniture, all around the door is full of relief painting, the style is simple and vivid. The top of the building is a four-corner structure, covered with a green glazed tile, the top of the dome is 5 meters high, glittering and brilliant.

On the northwest corner of the bell tower is a Ming dynasty iron bell, weighing 5 tons. It is much smaller than the bronze bell that hung from the clock tower. The clock tower, which was originally hung, was a "jingyun bell" cast during the tang dynasty. Now the clock is in xi an stele forest. It is said that, although the style of the tower has not changed since it was moved to the present site, the jingyun bell is not going to sound. There is no alternative but to change. In order to move the jingyun clock to the new clock tower, an inclined bridge was built on the west side of the west street, and the jingyun clock was transported to the bell tower using the ramp. It is said that the "bridge" also got its name.

On the west wall of the clock tower, there are "bell tower song" and "bell tower" inscription. "Zhong Lou ge" is the shaanxi governor who built the bell tower in the same year. In the poem, the bell tower was praised enthusiastically. "The bell tower" is the governor of the bell tower, detailed description of the clock tower. On the door of the bell tower, there are 64 stories of carved wooden relief, including magnolia from the army, the moon and the moon, the book of liu yi, the sea of eight, and so on. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the peoples government of xi an made three major repairs to the clock tower, which restored the ancient architecture to its former glory.

Compared with the bell tower, it is the drum tower. The entrance of the building is south to north, north to north gate and south west street. The drum tower was built in Ming for 13 years, and the bell tower is the sister building. On the north side of the drum tower, there is a huge drum, and the morning bell on the bell tower is known as the drum tower. The building is rectangular, with a height and width of 6 meters and a depth of 38 meters. The drum tower is a heavy eaves, glazed tile roof, heavy eaves and three drops of water. The building is divided into two layers. Under the eaves of the north and south, there was a plaque, which was written by emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty: "wenwu shengdi", which was written by li yunkuan, a scholar in xianning county. The outer eaves of the drum tower are decorated with dougong. Paint on the ceiling painted cloud patterns, antique, very beautiful. The bell and drum tower meet, making the ancient city of xi an more beautiful and spectacular. Well, this is the end of the bell tower tour. Thank you!

西安钟楼导游词 第12篇

我们现在看到的就是钟楼。钟楼位于市中心东、西、南、北四条大街的交会处,它建于明洪武十七年 (1384年),当时钟楼的位置并不在现在这个地方,那么它在哪儿呢?请大家顺着我手指的方向看,那座与钟楼遥相呼应的楼就是鼓楼,钟楼最初的位置在鼓楼以西的迎祥观内。迎祥观是唐朝一座非常著名的道观,唐睿宗李旦为了给自已的母亲过寿,特制了一口钟安放在迎祥观内。随着城市的发展,西安城不断地扩建,钟楼就偏于城西,不再居于城市中心了。在这种情况下,公元1582年明政府就将钟楼迁移至今天的位置。





建筑首先作为一种物质财富,也和其他物质一样,在人类创造的过程中,不但产生了物质的躯体,同时也产生了美的形象,在房屋的整体和房屋各种构件的制作中,人们都对它进行程度不同的美的加工,装饰就是这样开始在建筑上出现的。古建筑的门窗是与人接触最多的部分,在它们身上自然集中地进行了多种装饰处理。大家现在看到的格子门,门扉上都有木刻浮雕,内容有生动感人的民间传说、回味无穷的历史故事,楼上楼下加起来共有64幅,若朋友们感兴趣,不妨仔细研究一下, 看看您能猜对多少。


西安钟楼导游词 第13篇

Hello, I'm the tour guide along the bell tower and the city The bell of __ bell tower interprets the simplicity of the ancient city of Xi'an and the richness of this historical ancient In the next few days, while enjoying the scenery along the walls of the bell and Drum Tower, you can also feel the other side of the charm of the ancient city of Xi'an, that is, Xi'an's food Speaking of Xi'an's food, can you tell us what are the more famous snacks in Xi'an?

Xi'an's food culture is full of rich northwest Tasting Xi'an's snacks is a great pleasure to visit Xi' Whether it's mutton steamed bun, which has always been loved by Xi'an people, or the famous "Xi'an Dumpling Banquet" at home and abroad, it has distinctive local

On my right hand side are two buildings imitating Ming and Qing I wonder if you have noticed the striking sentence on the building: "eternal flavor dumpling fragrance, legendary quality tefachang". Yes, this is the well-known Chinese time-honored tefachang at home and Tefachang is famous for its dumpling If you want to taste it, you can go with each other to feel the extraordinary things of DeFaChang after our At the same time, I also tell you a very unfortunate thing: I haven't tasted the dumplings here! But I think since it has the name of eternal flavor, it must be worthy of its After finishing the dumplings, some people will ask where the mutton steamed bun is Is there any place for sale? Please follow We can clearly see that there is a restaurant with the same architectural style next to DeFaChang - At the gate of tongshengxiang, we will inadvertently notice a Can you tell which of the eight monsters in Shaanxi is displayed by this sculpture? (don't sit up on the ) tongshengxiang is mainly engaged in beef and mutton steamed buns, various special snacks, and integrates traditional characteristics with modern So when you come to this place for dinner, I think you will feel the diversity of Xi'an culture Colorful!

Through the bell and Drum Tower Square, we now arrive at the magnificent and elegant Drum On both sides of the street are antique buildings, and there are all kinds of famous Xi'an So I want to ask you, what is the most famous snack street in Xi'an? It goes without saying that it is the Hui snack If tourists come to Xi'an have a chance to come to the Hui snack street I think it's not only because of the huge number of food shops and jewelry shops on both sides of the street, but also because of the profound cultural connotation of the

Huimin Street generally refers to the North-South street from Gulou to Beiyuanmen, but sometimes it also includes Huajue lane, Xiyang city and As the name suggests, Hui Street is a place where Hui people live Xi'an Huimin street is a street in Huimin District, about 500 meters, characterized by bluestone paving and green trees

Chengyin, on both sides of the road are antique buildings imitating the Ming and Qing The shops on both sides are mainly engaged in catering and some accessories with Shaanxi characteristics, and they are all operated by Hui people, with strong halal characteristics, which are deeply loved by foreign

The restaurants you see on both sides of the street are authentic Muslim There are several famous restaurants, such as halal Pingwa barbecue shop, Jia Sanguan soup bag, fried rice with red and red pickled cabbage, Laosun's mutton steamed bun in Dapiyuan, There is also an interesting legend about Xi'an mutton steamed It is said that Zhao Kuangyin, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, was trapped in Chang'an before he became He lived a life of drinking and starving all One day he came to a shop that was cooking beef and The shopkeeper saw that he was very pitiful, so he asked him to break his own dry steamed Then the shopkeeper poured a spoonful of boiling broth and put it in the kitchen Cook well on the Then Zhao Kuangyin ate the meal, and he felt that it was the best food in the Later, Zhao Kuangyin became One day, when he passed Chang'an, he still could not forget the beef and mutton steamed buns he had eaten He went to this restaurant with the Minister of culture and military to eat a bowl of beef and mutton steamed After eating, he still felt delicious, so he rewarded the Since then, as soon as the story of the emperor eating paomo spread, beef and mutton paomo has become a famous snack on Chang'an Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, once wrote a hymn that "there is Xiong La in Longxi, and only sheep soup in Qin cuisine". So if you have a chance, you must taste the local folk

In fact, in the street of Hui people's snacks, there are many ornaments with local characteristics for you to choose You can see that these ornaments are full of For example, there are terracotta warriors and horses ornaments, the eighth wonder of the You can buy one or two as a memorial to Xi' At the same time, we can notice that there are many children's tiger shoes, big red hats and so As we all know, red represents auspiciousness and Ruyi, so I think it is necessary for you to buy some souvenirs in Huimin

Just now we said that the Hui people's snack street has a profound cultural Who knows its origin? As early as more than 1000 years ago in the Han Dynasty, the Hui people's street once served as the starting point of the Silk Road, welcoming merchants, envoys and students from ancient Arabia, Persia and other So these people are the later Hui According to historical records, many people along the silk road came to the bustling city of Chang'an, where they did business, studied abroad, and became Today, it has become a community of more than 60000 Hui As a place for the inheritance of Islamic culture, there are still many cultural relics of the Tang Dynasty, such as the light gate, the west gate gate group of the Ming Dynasty, many well preserved mosques and Taoist Town God's Temple, five Buddhist temples, and the Lamaism Guangyuan Many streets in the block have a strong Islamic style, with Muslim Food City, ethnic shopping center, mosque and Muslim living

As you can see now, the temple is located in Huajue It was built in the first year of Tianbao, Xuanzong of Tang It has a history of more than 1200 After several renovations and extensions in song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it gradually formed a huge ancient architectural complex with the style of Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is large-scale, compact, harmonious and Its architectural style embodies the organic unity of Islamic culture and Chinese traditional architectural It is one of the most distinctive, well preserved and typical Chinese style mosques in China so The temple is divided into five courtyards, covering an area of 13000 square After 30 years of renovation by the government and the temple, not only the original appearance of the temple has been maintained, but also a lot of new Ming and Qing buildings in line with the style of the temple have been

It is believed that through the effective protection of the culture in this area, Xi'an Hui historical district will become a tourist attraction that can reflect the cultural characteristics, loess culture and Muslim culture of Xi'

Next, we will go to our next stop - Xi'an ancient city On the way to the ancient city wall, I will briefly introduce the scenic spots along the What is worth mentioning is the ancient culture street,

From the south of the bell tower in Xi'an, when you get to the south gate, and then turn east, you can see the ancient culture street of Shuyuan There is a tall archway with ancient charm at the entrance of the Above the archway are three gold faced characters of "Shuyuan gate". On both sides are eye-catching couplets of "the forest of Steles collects national treasures, and the Academy cultivates outstanding people". From this couplet, we can easily see the theme of the Obviously, the gate of the academy has more poetic charm than the Hui snack street we just If you are interested, you can visit the gate of the Maybe you will have more harvest

That's all for the explanation from the bell and drum tower to the city If you don't know anything else, just ask me, and I'll try my best to answer it for At the same time, I sincerely hope you can have a good time in Xi'an!

西安钟楼导游词 第14篇





西安钟楼导游词 第15篇

Today we are going to visit Xi'an city wall, bell tower and Drum It's a great honor to serve

The ancient castle we see now is the city wall of Xi'an in Ming Dynasty, which was built on the basis of Chang'an Imperial City in Tang Dynasty in the early Ming It is one of the most famous city walls in the history of the late Middle Ages in It is the largest and most complete defense facility of ancient military castle in the

Xi'an, as an ancient capital for thousands of years, has built city walls many times in the past Most of them are buried in the dust of The wall we see now can be traced back to the Sui In 1369 ad, Xu Da, a general of the Ming Dynasty, entered Shaanxi from Shanxi and changed the original Fengtian road to Xi'an, which means "long-term stability in the west". It opened the prelude of building the city wall in Xi'an in Ming The shape of the wall, which took eight years to build, is a The wall is 15 meters high, 12-14 meters wide at the top, 16-18 meters wide at the bottom, and kilometers The bottom layer is made of loess, lime and glutinous rice After drying, it is very

The ancient city wall of Xi'an includes a series of military facilities such as moat, suspension bridge, gate tower, arrow tower, main tower, corner tower, enemy tower, parapet, crenel, Well, now let's feel for ourselves the scientific, rigorous and complete military defense

The most peripheral part of the city wall is the moat, also known as the "moat", which is the first line of defense of the city It can block the enemy's attack and even take advantage of the favorable terrain to destroy the The moat around the city wall of Xi'an is 20 meters Crossing the moat is the gate, and the only channel connecting the moat and the gate is the suspension At ordinary times, the soldiers obeyed the command of the morning bell and the evening In the morning, they lowered the suspension bridge to open the city gate; in the evening, they raised the suspension bridge to cut off the Once there is a war, the suspension bridge rises and the gate is closed, the gate becomes a solid and closed Battle

City gate is the key and weak point of city defense Usually, it is the access to the In a war, it is the primary target for both Therefore, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to improving the defense facilities of the city One of the most remarkable technological breakthroughs is the use of the arched gate to prevent the enemy from attacking by The gate of Xi'an City in the Ming Dynasty was very The door leaf was made of 16 cm thick One gate was made of cubic meters of The door leaf was reinforced with iron bars, and 180 iron mushroom needles were nailed between the two iron There are 1800 iron mushroom needles on the whole door In this way, the wood of the door leaf is compacted, and the stiffness of the door leaf is increased, so that the arrow can not be shot

In order to improve the security coefficient of the city gate defense, the city gate is actually composed of three parts: Gate Tower, arrow tower and main The gate building is on the outside, and its function is to lift the suspension It's also used to play When the enemy invades the gate of the gate tower, it seems to enter the They will be attacked from all Therefore, the space downstairs is also called "urn city". The archery tower is in the center, with windows on the front and on both sides for The archery tower and archery tower are connected by a wall, which is also called "Wengcheng" and can garrison The main building is in the innermost The tower above the main building is the main building of the city gate, which is the commanding place of the Outside the city wall, there is an enemy platform protruding from the main body of the city wall every 120 meters, commonly known as "horse face". There are 98 "horse faces" on the whole city The building above the "horse face" is called the enemy The distance between the two enemy platforms is 120 meters, and one side of it is 60 meters, which is "a stone's throw". This layout makes it easy to shoot the enemy from the Therefore, the ancients commented: "if there is a city without a platform, it is just like there is no The city is the guardian, and the platform is the ". On the outside of the city wall, there are dwarf pheasants, also known as "pile wall", with crenels and square holes for archery and The low wall on the inside is called "parapet" to prevent soldiers from falling under the wall when they In the four corners of Xi'an city wall, there is a tower called "turret". In the urn formed by the arrow tower and the main tower, there is a horse road leading to the head of the city, which is convenient for the horses to go up and During the war, this is the throat of the deployment of troops, and we must ensure that there is no So the guard is very

With the change of time, we can see Changle gate, Anding gate, Zhuque gate, Hanguang gate, Yuxiang gate and so The origin of these names also reflects the ups and downs of the ancient The city wall of Xi'an in the Ming Dynasty shows the wisdom of the ancient working people of our OK, the city wall of Xi'an is We will continue to take you to visit the bell and Drum

The bell tower and drum tower are the unique buildings in ancient Chinese Bell and drum are the earliest percussion instruments in China, with a history of more than 3020__ Initially used as ritual and musical It has been used in military command since the spring and Autumn Ancient Chinese cities have the nature of military In addition to building walls around the city, digging trenches and setting up suspension bridges, there are also bell and drum towers built in the center of the city as the command At ordinary times, it reports the time by morning bell and evening drum, opens and closes the suspension bridge regularly, and it is used to warn the police and command the city defense in case of This tight urban defense system reached its peak in the Ming Xi'an is an important military and political town in Northwest China in Ming Its bell tower and Drum Tower rank the first in terms of architectural scale, historical value and artistic value in

The building we see now is the bell tower, which is located at the intersection of the four streets in Xi' It was built in the 17th year of Hongwu in Ming It was originally located in Yingxiang temple on the West With the eastward movement of the city center, in 20__ of Wanli of Shenzong of Ming Dynasty, the bell tower was demolished as a whole and moved to the present

The bell tower is a typical architectural style of the Ming Dynasty, with a height of 36 meters, double eaves and brackets, gorgeous and It consists of three parts: base, body and The base is square, all made of green The building is a square wooden structure, surrounded by an ambulatory on the outside and a two-story building on the inside with wooden ladders circling In the square hall on the upper and lower floors of the building, there are various kinds of valuable porcelain and red Phoebe furniture since the Ming The four sides of the doors are covered with relief paintings, with a simple and vivid The top of the building is a four corner structure, covered with green glazed The top dome is 5 meters high, glittering and

On the northwest corner of the bell tower is a Ming Dynasty iron bell, which weighs 5 tons and has eight trigrams on its It is much smaller than the bronze bell that hung in the bell tower The giant bell originally hung in the bell tower is a "Jingyun bell" cast in the Jingyun period of Tang Now the bell is collected in the forest of Steles in Xi' It is said that after the bell tower was moved from Yingxiang temple to the present site, although the style and size of the tower have not changed, the Jingyun bell will never There's no choice but to In order to move the jingyunzhong to the new bell tower, an inclined bridge was built in the west section of the West Street, and the bridge slope was used to transport the jingyunzhong to the bell It is said that "qiaozikou" also got its

There are inscriptions on the west wall of the bell Song of the bell tower was written by Gong Maoxian, governor of Shaanxi Province, who built the bell tower when he was dismissed and went to The bell tower is warmly praised in the The story of the bell tower was written by Zhang Kai, the governor who had built the bell It describes the life experience of the bell tower in On the door of the bell tower, there are 64 woodcut relief story paintings, including Mulan joining the army, Chang'e flying to the moon, Liu Yi's biography, Eight Immortals crossing the sea and so After the founding of the people's Republic of China, the people's Government of Xi'an carried out three large-scale repairs to the clock tower, which made the ancient building glow with its former

Far away from the bell tower is the drum The door opening at the bottom of the tower is north-south, leading to the north gate and the South Darcy The drum tower was built in the 13th year of Hongwu in Ming It is sister to the bell There is a huge drum on the north side of the first floor of the drum tower, which forms a late drum with the morning bell on the bell tower, so it is called the drum The building is The height and width of the door opening on the base are 6 meters, and the depth is 38 The drum tower is built with double eaves and three drops of The building is divided into upper and lower There are two plaques under the eaves of the north and the In the south, the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty engraved a book with his pen: "the land of culture and military prosperity", and in the north, Li yunkuan, a scholar of Xianning County, wrote "the sound is heard in the sky". In the outer eaves of the drum tower are decorated with Dou Gong, surrounded by The ceiling is painted with cloud pattern, antique, very Bell and drum towers complement each other, making the ancient city of Xi'an more beautiful and Well, this is the end of the tour of the bell and Drum Thank you!

西安钟楼导游词 第16篇






西安钟楼导游词 第17篇




















