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绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第1篇

Welcome to Shaoxing Lu Xun Memorial Hall. Shaoxing is a famous historical and cultural city with outstanding people and brilliant stars since ancient times. Lu Xun, a great modern Chinese writer, thinker and revolutionist, is one of the outstanding representatives. Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was born on September 25, 1881 in a dilapidated family of feudal literati and bureaucrats in the capital of Shaoxing. He started at the age of 7 and studied in Sanwei bookstore at the age of 12. When he was 13 years old, his grandfather was jailed for bribery in the imperial examination. His father, Zhou Boyi, fell ill and suffered a lot from the decline of his family. When Lu Xun was 18 years old, he resolutely "took a different road, fled to other places, and went to Nanjing and Japan to study. After returning to China in the summer of 1909, he successively engaged in teaching and literary creation in Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Beijing, Xiamen, Guangzhou and Shanghai. On October 19, 1936, he died of illness at his home in Shanghai new village. He was 56 years old.

Lu Xun spent more than one third of his life in Shaoxing. He not only spent his childhood and adolescence in his hometown, but also carried out his early teaching practice, literary creation and social revolutionary activities. The life experience of his hometown not only has a great influence on his ideological development, but also is an important source of his literary creation. Today, we are going to follow the footsteps of this great man and visit his hometown.

Now we come to Lu Xun's birthplace - Lu Xun's former residence. Lu Xun's former residence is located at the west head of the Zhoujia new gate at the entrance of Duchang Fangkou. The new gate of the Zhou family is the place where the Zhou family has lived for many years. It was built in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, facing south from the north, with green tiles, pink walls, brick and wood structure. It is a typical deep courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River. In 1918, the house, together with the herb garden behind it, was sold to Zhu, a neighbor in the East. After the change of ownership, most of the original houses have been demolished and rebuilt, but the main part of Lu Xun's former residence is fortunately preserved, so today we are lucky to see the original Lu Xun's former residence.

These two black stone storehouse gates were originally the side gates of Zhou Jiaxin's gate, where Lu Xun's family went in and out.

This ordinary mud flat house is the place where Lu Xun's family used to place vehicles. As we all know, Shaoxing is known as "Venice of the East". Therefore, most families are equipped with water transportation. The two tall oars are used on big ships, while the two small oars are used on black canopies. Sedan chair is a means of land transportation, among which the sedan bar is the original of Lu Xun's family.

From the right door, through the corridor, to the "sweet scented osmanthus hall". Mingtang is commonly known as Tianjing in Shaoxing. There used to be two lush osmanthus plants planted here, hence the name of Osmanthus Mingtang. When Lu Xun was a child, he used to lie on a small table under the osmanthus tree in summer to enjoy the cool. His stepgrandmother Jiang, while shaking a banana fan, played riddles for Lu Xun and told stories such as "cat is the master of the tiger" and "water overflows the Golden Mountain". Lu Xun was influenced by folk literature since childhood and provided rich materials for his later literary creation. Later, he had vivid memories in his articles such as dog, cat, mouse and on the collapse of Leifeng Pagoda.

Through the sweet scented osmanthus hall, you come to Lu Xun's bedroom. In the summer of 1909, Lu Xun returned to his hometown from Hangzhou after studying in Japan. He successively held teaching posts in Shaoxing Fuzhong school and Shanhui Junior Normal School. This bedroom was his bedroom and study when he was teaching in Shao. Lu Xun often prepared lessons and wrote late into the night. His first classical Chinese novel nostalgia was written here. The iron pear wooden bed on display in the bedroom is the original of that year.

Through the slate patio, facing is the well preserved two floors and two bottoms of Lu Xun's former residence. The first half of Dongshou is the main place for Lu Xun's family to eat and meet guests. Shaoxing is commonly known as "xiaotangqian". When Lu Xun was a teacher in Shaoxing, he often received visiting friends and students here. The leather chair in the upper right corner of the living room was used by Lu Xun's father. Lu Xun's father was dismissed as a scholar after his grandfather Zhou Fuqing's cheating on dance in the imperial examination hall. He was depressed and depressed. After that, he was so sick that he was mistaken by a quack doctor that he died at the age of 36. From then on, Lu Xun's family fell into predicament from a well-off family. After a series of family changes, young Lu Xun suffered from the coldness and coldness of the world. He saw the degeneration and ugliness of the upper class society, which had a great impact on his thought and embarked on the road of seeking truth.

Separated from the living room is Lu Xun's mother's room. The Eight Legged bed in the south is the original one that Lu Xun's mother, Lu Rui, had slept in. The little bed in the East is the bed that Lu Xun's brother ZHOU Jianren used to sleep in.

On the table by the window are displayed the things that Lu Xun's mother used to do needlework. Lu Rui, Lu Xun's mother, was born in anqiaotou, Shaoxing. She was kind and resolute. She was able to read books through self-study. Lu Xun admired his mother and once said, "if my mother is 20 or 30 years younger, she may become a heroine." Luri is indeed an extraordinary mother. Her three sons are known as "the three heroes of the Zhou family" in the modern literary world.

To the west of the small hall is Lu Xun's stepgrandmother Jiang's bedroom. Lu Xun was deeply impressed by the stepgrandmother, who was cheerful and humorous, and often told stories and riddles to his nephews and grandchildren.

A patio away from Lurui's bedroom is the kitchen where Lu Xun's family cooks and cooks. In front of the kitchen, the "three eye stove" used by the old rich family in Shaoxing was restored according to the memories of the people concerned. Pictures and words praying for blessings and avoiding evil spirits were painted on the walls of the stove. The kitchen cover on the north wall was made by Zhang Fuqing, the "busy month" of Lu Xun's family. Zhang Fuqing sometimes brought his son to carry water for help, and became a close friend with Lu Xun. Lu Xun and Yunshui met for the first time in this kitchen. "Purple round face, wearing a small felt hat and a bright silver collar around his neck", it was this water transportation that made Lu Xun realize a strange world that he could not see in books. In 1921, when Lu Xun wrote his novel hometown, he took water transportation as a model and created the vivid artistic image of "leap soil".

The three rooms in the back are where Lu Xun's family stores rice and farm tools. The one on the right is Zhang Fuqing's residence. In the middle is the corridor leading to BaiCaoYuan.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we can see that this garden is the famous "BaiCaoYuan". Although the name of BaiCaoYuan is elegant, it is actually an ordinary vegetable garden. It was a deserted vegetable garden shared by more than a dozen families in xintaimen at that time. Usually, some melons and vegetables were planted for drying rice in autumn. In his childhood, Lu Xun often played with his friends in the herb garden, enjoying the cool in the shade of trees in summer and catching crickets in the mud wall in autumn. In winter, we catch birds in the snow. As for BaiCaoYuan, Lu Xun once described it vividly in his famous prose from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore. In the article, he wrote with infinite affection: "it is not necessary to say the green vegetable beds.

Smooth stone well fence, tall acacia tree, purple mulberry Just around the short mud wall, there is infinite interest. " What we see now is the landscape in Lu Xun's works. When Lu Xun was 12 years old, his family sent him to Sanwei bookstore to study. He had to say goodbye to his crickets, raspberries and Mulian, and went to the most severe private school in the city to study. Now let's say goodbye to everything here and follow Lu Xun's article from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore.

From Lu Xun's former residence, walking hundreds of steps to the East, walking south through a stone bridge, and entering through a black painted bamboo silk door, you will arrive at Sanwei bookstore, where Lu Xun studied in his youth. Sanwei bookstore is a famous private school in Shaoxing City in the late Qing Dynasty. It used to be the study of Shou family. Lu Xun began to study here at the age of 12. His five-year study career benefited him a lot, accumulated rich cultural knowledge, and laid a very solid foundation for his future literary creation.

The plaque of "Sanwei bookstore" is hanging in the middle of the library, and there is a pair of clasps on both sides of the pillars: "music is silent, filial piety is the only thing; Taitang flavor is poetry." They were all written by Liang Tongshu, a famous calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. What is "three flavors?" according to Mr. Shou Jingwu's son: "reading classics tastes like rice, reading history tastes like food, and a hundred schools of thought taste like vinegar." Among them, acyl is condiment. There is a picture of pine and deer hanging under the plaque. Every day, students should salute the plaque and the picture before they start reading.

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第2篇

Hello, everyone! Today, as a little tour guide, I welcome you to visit Lu Xun's hometown in Shaoxing. Please take good care of your belongings. Follow me into Shaoxing.

Shaoxing is a famous historical and cultural city with outstanding people from ancient times to the present. Lu Xun, the great writer, thinker and revolutionist of our country, is a typical representative. His original name is Zhou Shuren. Now let's visit the original hometown of Lu Xun, mainly including Lu Xun's former residence, Lu Xun memorial hall, BaiCaoYuan and Sanwei bookstore.

First of all, we visited the place where Lu Xun was born. In the two black stone storehouse doors, all the houses are well preserved. Most of them are made of brick and wood. From the hall, study, library, bedroom, guest room to the kitchen, we can see that Lu Xun's family used to be a big family of scholarly disciples.

Stepping out of Zhou's home, let's visit the Lu Xun Memorial Hall. Here we introduce Lu Xun's rough life and his famous works in detail. His articles are of profound significance, beautiful calligraphy and rich pictures and texts. One by one, let's feel for his whole life, and even more moved by his "coldness to thousands of people, bowing to be willing to be an ox".

Next, let's have a good tour of Lu Xun's childhood paradise - BaiCaoYuan. The exquisite fence encircles the garden. In addition to the towering tree, other plants and plants are still lush. There is a mud wall in the corner. It seems that we can still find Lu Xun's childhood figure in this corner.

Finally, let's go to Sanwei bookstore, the cradle of Lu Xun's growth. Here happened a little story: Lu Xun was scolded by his husband for being late for school because he took care of his sick father. So he decided to carve the word "early" on his chair to remind himself not to be late again. It is precisely because of Lu Xun's tenacious perseverance that he achieved the great revolutionary cause later.

I'm very happy to guide you to Shaoxing Lu Xun's hometown. I hope you can bring Shaoxing culture and local products to your friends. Welcome to Shaoxing next time. Thank you for watching!

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第3篇







绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第4篇

Dear passengers, I'm very glad to be together with you to visit Shaoxing. I'm Lin xulu, the tour guide. You can call me Xiao Lu. I will provide you with the most intimate and meticulous service, thank you!

Attention, everyone. We have arrived in Shaoxing, and soon we will arrive at Lu Xun's former residence. Special reminder: it's the peak season for tourists. Please take good care of your valuables after you get off the bus, follow the team and pay attention to our flag.

We have arrived. Lu Xun memorial hall, Lu Xun's former residence and Lu Xun's hometown are all close together. I will show you around one by one. Get off, please pay attention to safety, do not touch damage, do a civilized tourist, thank you! Friends who want to visit by themselves should gather at the place where they get off before 3 o'clock.

Please see, this is the place where Lu Xun lived when he was a child. Lu Xun's ancestor was a big family, so this ancestral home is very big. The furniture inside is well preserved. Here is the kitchen. Look! This is the children's room, which is the room where nannies and children live. Lu Xun was born here. This courtyard is Lu Xun's "BaiCaoYuan". When he was a child, Lu Xun and his friends caught crickets, carried water, stung and plucked Polygonum multiflorum. I had an unforgettable childhood. In his youth, he studied with his teacher in Sanwei bookstore. When he grew up, he wrote at his desk.

OK, it's 2:30 now. It's half an hour before the meeting. You can buy some Shaoxing specialties. Remember to get off at 3:00!

Time flies. Two days have passed. We will be home in about 10 minutes. Please pack your luggage. I'm glad to meet you. I'm very happy to be with you for two days! I wish you good health, happy every day, we will meet again! bye!

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第5篇






绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第6篇





绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第7篇







绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第8篇

Dear passengers, I'm very glad to be together with you to visit I'm Lin xulu, the tour You can call me Xiao I will provide you with the most intimate and meticulous service, thank you!

Attention, We have arrived in Shaoxing, and soon we will arrive at Lu Xun's former Special reminder: it's the peak season for Please take good care of your valuables after you get off the bus, follow the team and pay attention to our

We have Lu Xun memorial hall, Lu Xun's former residence and Lu Xun's hometown are all close I will show you around one by Get off, please pay attention to safety, do not touch damage, do a civilized tourist, thank you! Friends who want to visit by themselves should gather at the place where they get off before 3 o'

Please see, this is the place where Lu Xun lived when he was a Lu Xun's ancestor was a big family, so this ancestral home is very The furniture inside is well Here is the Look! This is the children's room, which is the room where nannies and children Lu Xun was born This courtyard is Lu Xun's "BaiCaoYuan". When he was a child, Lu Xun and his friends caught crickets, carried water, stung and plucked Polygonum I had an unforgettable In his youth, he studied with his teacher in Sanwei When he grew up, he wrote at his

OK, it's 2:30 It's half an hour before the You can buy some Shaoxing Remember to get off at 3:00!

Time Two days have We will be home in about 10 Please pack your I'm glad to meet I'm very happy to be with you for two days! I wish you good health, happy every day, we will meet again! bye!

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第9篇







绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第10篇








绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第11篇







绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第12篇

Welcome to Shaoxing Lu Xun Memorial Shaoxing is a famous historical and cultural city with outstanding people and brilliant stars since ancient Lu Xun, a great modern Chinese writer, thinker and revolutionist, is one of the outstanding Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was born on September 25, 1881 in a dilapidated family of feudal literati and bureaucrats in the capital of He started at the age of 7 and studied in Sanwei bookstore at the age of When he was 13 years old, his grandfather was jailed for bribery in the imperial His father, Zhou Boyi, fell ill and suffered a lot from the decline of his When Lu Xun was 18 years old, he resolutely "took a different road, fled to other places, and went to Nanjing and Japan to After returning to China in the summer of 1909, he successively engaged in teaching and literary creation in Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Beijing, Xiamen, Guangzhou and On October 19, 1936, he died of illness at his home in Shanghai new He was 56 years

Lu Xun spent more than one third of his life in He not only spent his childhood and adolescence in his hometown, but also carried out his early teaching practice, literary creation and social revolutionary The life experience of his hometown not only has a great influence on his ideological development, but also is an important source of his literary Today, we are going to follow the footsteps of this great man and visit his

Now we come to Lu Xun's birthplace - Lu Xun's former Lu Xun's former residence is located at the west head of the Zhoujia new gate at the entrance of Duchang The new gate of the Zhou family is the place where the Zhou family has lived for many It was built in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, facing south from the north, with green tiles, pink walls, brick and wood It is a typical deep courtyard in the south of the Yangtze In 1918, the house, together with the herb garden behind it, was sold to Zhu, a neighbor in the After the change of ownership, most of the original houses have been demolished and rebuilt, but the main part of Lu Xun's former residence is fortunately preserved, so today we are lucky to see the original Lu Xun's former

These two black stone storehouse gates were originally the side gates of Zhou Jiaxin's gate, where Lu Xun's family went in and

This ordinary mud flat house is the place where Lu Xun's family used to place As we all know, Shaoxing is known as "Venice of the East". Therefore, most families are equipped with water The two tall oars are used on big ships, while the two small oars are used on black Sedan chair is a means of land transportation, among which the sedan bar is the original of Lu Xun's

From the right door, through the corridor, to the "sweet scented osmanthus hall". Mingtang is commonly known as Tianjing in There used to be two lush osmanthus plants planted here, hence the name of Osmanthus When Lu Xun was a child, he used to lie on a small table under the osmanthus tree in summer to enjoy the His stepgrandmother Jiang, while shaking a banana fan, played riddles for Lu Xun and told stories such as "cat is the master of the tiger" and "water overflows the Golden Mountain". Lu Xun was influenced by folk literature since childhood and provided rich materials for his later literary Later, he had vivid memories in his articles such as dog, cat, mouse and on the collapse of Leifeng

Through the sweet scented osmanthus hall, you come to Lu Xun's In the summer of 1909, Lu Xun returned to his hometown from Hangzhou after studying in He successively held teaching posts in Shaoxing Fuzhong school and Shanhui Junior Normal This bedroom was his bedroom and study when he was teaching in Lu Xun often prepared lessons and wrote late into the His first classical Chinese novel nostalgia was written The iron pear wooden bed on display in the bedroom is the original of that

Through the slate patio, facing is the well preserved two floors and two bottoms of Lu Xun's former The first half of Dongshou is the main place for Lu Xun's family to eat and meet Shaoxing is commonly known as "xiaotangqian". When Lu Xun was a teacher in Shaoxing, he often received visiting friends and students The leather chair in the upper right corner of the living room was used by Lu Xun's Lu Xun's father was dismissed as a scholar after his grandfather Zhou Fuqing's cheating on dance in the imperial examination He was depressed and After that, he was so sick that he was mistaken by a quack doctor that he died at the age of From then on, Lu Xun's family fell into predicament from a well-off After a series of family changes, young Lu Xun suffered from the coldness and coldness of the He saw the degeneration and ugliness of the upper class society, which had a great impact on his thought and embarked on the road of seeking

Separated from the living room is Lu Xun's mother's The Eight Legged bed in the south is the original one that Lu Xun's mother, Lu Rui, had slept The little bed in the East is the bed that Lu Xun's brother ZHOU Jianren used to sleep

On the table by the window are displayed the things that Lu Xun's mother used to do Lu Rui, Lu Xun's mother, was born in anqiaotou, She was kind and She was able to read books through Lu Xun admired his mother and once said, "if my mother is 20 or 30 years younger, she may become a " Luri is indeed an extraordinary Her three sons are known as "the three heroes of the Zhou family" in the modern literary

To the west of the small hall is Lu Xun's stepgrandmother Jiang's Lu Xun was deeply impressed by the stepgrandmother, who was cheerful and humorous, and often told stories and riddles to his nephews and

A patio away from Lurui's bedroom is the kitchen where Lu Xun's family cooks and In front of the kitchen, the "three eye stove" used by the old rich family in Shaoxing was restored according to the memories of the people Pictures and words praying for blessings and avoiding evil spirits were painted on the walls of the The kitchen cover on the north wall was made by Zhang Fuqing, the "busy month" of Lu Xun's Zhang Fuqing sometimes brought his son to carry water for help, and became a close friend with Lu Lu Xun and Yunshui met for the first time in this "Purple round face, wearing a small felt hat and a bright silver collar around his neck", it was this water transportation that made Lu Xun realize a strange world that he could not see in In 1921, when Lu Xun wrote his novel hometown, he took water transportation as a model and created the vivid artistic image of "leap soil".

The three rooms in the back are where Lu Xun's family stores rice and farm The one on the right is Zhang Fuqing's In the middle is the corridor leading to

Ladies and gentlemen, now we can see that this garden is the famous "BaiCaoYuan". Although the name of BaiCaoYuan is elegant, it is actually an ordinary vegetable It was a deserted vegetable garden shared by more than a dozen families in xintaimen at that Usually, some melons and vegetables were planted for drying rice in In his childhood, Lu Xun often played with his friends in the herb garden, enjoying the cool in the shade of trees in summer and catching crickets in the mud wall in In winter, we catch birds in the As for BaiCaoYuan, Lu Xun once described it vividly in his famous prose from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei In the article, he wrote with infinite affection: "it is not necessary to say the green vegetable

Smooth stone well fence, tall acacia tree, purple mulberry Just around the short mud wall, there is infinite " What we see now is the landscape in Lu Xun's When Lu Xun was 12 years old, his family sent him to Sanwei bookstore to He had to say goodbye to his crickets, raspberries and Mulian, and went to the most severe private school in the city to Now let's say goodbye to everything here and follow Lu Xun's article from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei

From Lu Xun's former residence, walking hundreds of steps to the East, walking south through a stone bridge, and entering through a black painted bamboo silk door, you will arrive at Sanwei bookstore, where Lu Xun studied in his Sanwei bookstore is a famous private school in Shaoxing City in the late Qing It used to be the study of Shou Lu Xun began to study here at the age of His five-year study career benefited him a lot, accumulated rich cultural knowledge, and laid a very solid foundation for his future literary

The plaque of "Sanwei bookstore" is hanging in the middle of the library, and there is a pair of clasps on both sides of the pillars: "music is silent, filial piety is the only thing; Taitang flavor is " They were all written by Liang Tongshu, a famous calligrapher of the Qing What is "three flavors?" according to Shou Jingwu's son: "reading classics tastes like rice, reading history tastes like food, and a hundred schools of thought taste like " Among them, acyl is There is a picture of pine and deer hanging under the Every day, students should salute the plaque and the picture before they start

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第13篇







绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第14篇

Hello everyone, my name is Yu Shihan, a student of class 4 (10) of Beihai primary school. Today, I will show you around Lu Xun's hometown. Speaking of Lu Xun, we all know that his original name is Zhou Shuren. He is the greatest writer, thinker and revolutionist in modern China. Lu Xun's spirit is known as the soul of the Chinese nation. Now I'm taking you to the place where Lu Xun grew up and studied as a child.

Walking into Lu Xun's hometown, a picture of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China is displayed in front of tourists. Through Fangkou old street in Dongchang, we come to the gate of Zhou Jiatai, Lu Xun's ancestral home. There is a small patio and hall in the entrance. Behind the hall is the place where Lu Xun lived when he was a child. A small patio behind the building. Bluestone pavement. There is a tall osmanthus tree in the courtyard. In late autumn, the fragrance of Osmanthus is very fragrant, so it is also called the osmanthus hall. To the north is the kitchen, with three cooking holes and one cooking utensil. In the north of the kitchen, there are three bungalows separated by a small patio, and in the back is the herb garden. Everyone must have read "from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore" and that's what it says. BaiCaoYuan covers an area of 2000 square meters. There are two gardens, big and small, where Lu Xun's children play.

About 100 meters away from his former residence, we came to Sanwei bookstore, where Mr. Lu Xun studied when he was a child. On the middle wall of the room are the plaque of "Sanwei study" and the picture of pine deer. There is a couplet on the column of the room: "music is silent, filial piety is the only thing, too beautiful and tasteful is reading". There are square tables and chairs in the room. That's where Mr. Lu Xun studied. He still has the word "Zao" carved on his desk!

Time flies. This is the end of the introduction of Lu Xun's hometown. Welcome to visit next time! Thank you!


Hello, tourists! My name is Hu Keyu. I'm the tour guide who takes you to Lu Xun's hometown.

Let's go and have a look at the beautiful scenery there! When you enter the gate, you will first see four black people embedded in a gray and smooth stone tablet: "Lu Xun's hometown." there are pictures of potholes on it. In front of the stone tablet, there are statues of Kong Yiji and other four people. I'll give you ten minutes to take a group photo.

Now let's go to visit Lu Xun's ancestral home with me! Lu Xun's ancestral home is Lu Xun's former home, which includes master's room, master's study, bedroom, piano room and kitchen.

Let's go out of Lu Xun's ancestral home and have a look at the opposite Sanwei bookstore. Sanwei bookstore was the place where Lu Xun read when he was a child. But there is a word "morning" carved on Lu Xun's desk. The word "morning" is because once his father was ill. He rushed to the drugstore early in the morning to buy medicine for his father, and then fried it well before he went to study. As a result, he was late for school and was taught After a few typing, he carved a word "morning" on his desk, thinking that he couldn't be late in the future.

Now let's go to BaiCaoYuan! Entering the gate of BaiCaoYuan, you can see green vegetable beds, smooth stone well fences, tall acacia trees, purple mulberry trees, where Lu Xun played as a child.

Time flies like an arrow. In a flash, the tour of Lu Xun's hometown is over. Welcome to come again next time. Goodbye!

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第15篇














绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第16篇








绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第17篇




再往前走,就进入了鲁迅故里的后门,这整条街是用石板铺成的,所有的建筑都是砖瓦结构,很有江南水乡的特色,这条街也十分热闹,人也非常多,所以后面的游客千万别掉队。再往前走,左边有鲁迅先生生活的地方-鲁迅故居,它的门前还有一条小河流过,是以前的交通要道;故居的后面是百草园,他童年时代的乐园,玩耍嬉戏的地方;三味书屋是清末绍兴城里有名的私塾,鲁迅12 岁--17岁就在这里求学。这些地方里面的家具基本上都是当年的原物,保持着原状。大家可以去自由地参观一下,联系鲁迅的一些作品可以增加大家的'游兴。

另外要想买些土特产的可以在这条街去看一看 ,许多小商店都可以买到,绍兴土特产是好吃不贵,引来许多游客的关注。

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第18篇








绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第19篇

Hello, everyone! Today, as a little tour guide, I welcome you to visit Lu Xun's hometown in Please take good care of your Follow me into

Shaoxing is a famous historical and cultural city with outstanding people from ancient times to the Lu Xun, the great writer, thinker and revolutionist of our country, is a typical His original name is Zhou Now let's visit the original hometown of Lu Xun, mainly including Lu Xun's former residence, Lu Xun memorial hall, BaiCaoYuan and Sanwei

First of all, we visited the place where Lu Xun was In the two black stone storehouse doors, all the houses are well Most of them are made of brick and From the hall, study, library, bedroom, guest room to the kitchen, we can see that Lu Xun's family used to be a big family of scholarly

Stepping out of Zhou's home, let's visit the Lu Xun Memorial Here we introduce Lu Xun's rough life and his famous works in His articles are of profound significance, beautiful calligraphy and rich pictures and One by one, let's feel for his whole life, and even more moved by his "coldness to thousands of people, bowing to be willing to be an ox".

Next, let's have a good tour of Lu Xun's childhood paradise - The exquisite fence encircles the In addition to the towering tree, other plants and plants are still There is a mud wall in the It seems that we can still find Lu Xun's childhood figure in this

Finally, let's go to Sanwei bookstore, the cradle of Lu Xun's Here happened a little story: Lu Xun was scolded by his husband for being late for school because he took care of his sick So he decided to carve the word "early" on his chair to remind himself not to be late It is precisely because of Lu Xun's tenacious perseverance that he achieved the great revolutionary cause

I'm very happy to guide you to Shaoxing Lu Xun's I hope you can bring Shaoxing culture and local products to your Welcome to Shaoxing next Thank you for watching!

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第20篇








绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第21篇






绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第22篇






绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第23篇





绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第24篇

Hello, tourists! My name is Hu I'm the tour guide who takes you to Lu Xun's

Let's go and have a look at the beautiful scenery there! When you enter the gate, you will first see four black people embedded in a gray and smooth stone tablet: "Lu Xun's " there are pictures of potholes on In front of the stone tablet, there are statues of Kong Yiji and other four I'll give you ten minutes to take a group

Now let's go to visit Lu Xun's ancestral home with me! Lu Xun's ancestral home is Lu Xun's former home, which includes master's room, master's study, bedroom, piano room and

Let's go out of Lu Xun's ancestral home and have a look at the opposite Sanwei Sanwei bookstore was the place where Lu Xun read when he was a But there is a word "morning" carved on Lu Xun's The word "morning" is because once his father was He rushed to the drugstore early in the morning to buy medicine for his father, and then fried it well before he went to As a result, he was late for school and was taught After a few typing, he carved a word "morning" on his desk, thinking that he couldn't be late in the

Now let's go to BaiCaoYuan! Entering the gate of BaiCaoYuan, you can see green vegetable beds, smooth stone well fences, tall acacia trees, purple mulberry trees, where Lu Xun played as a

Time flies like an In a flash, the tour of Lu Xun's hometown is Welcome to come again next Goodbye!

绍兴鲁迅故居导游词 第25篇







