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读后感英语 第1篇

The book house of gold, a beautiful woman in the book. During the summer vacation, I read one of the four classical masterpiece of Chinas "Three Kingdoms", which describes some of the scenes of great momentum really let me lead a person to endless aftertastes.

The scene impressed me the most is the "wine chopped Huaxiong".

To Yuan Shao as a leader of the eighteen governors gathered against Dong Zhuo said, secretly competition is a soldier who is not wide, glorious life, has gone to roost? Only Liu, Guan, Zhang three riding three, unexpectedly also came to the meeting, they had a cavity with good faith, virtue and patriotism. In a group of mediocre and eyes, is certainly not a mere nobody on this small, only Cao Cao with special respect to them.

Heroes do not ask the source, a mule is a horse out stroll stroll. Sure enough, in the city to be intimidated by Dong Zhuos pioneer Huaxiong momentum, a panicked, at the occasion, the horse bow hand knife Guan Yu Qingzhan this nameless, they cant help but be struck dumb, not to regard it as right; Yuan Shao said angrily, "we eighteen princes will have sent hundreds of staff, a horse archers play, do not let Huaxiong joke." Guan Yu said loudly: "if I kill Hua Xiong, please cut off my head." Cao Cao sighs, poured a cup of hot wine to Guan Yu, intended for its courage, Guan Yu chuckled softly: "I killed Huaxiong back afterwards!" At the end of the talk, he went up with a big knife. Sure enough, the high pressure of Guan Yu, later with Hua Xiongs head into the junzhang to throw in the various put feet, and the wine is still hot.

"I saw Cao Cao picked up a cup of wine and drink horse pass Guan, Guan Gong said: wine and down, one came to. He will leave the camp after a moment, he heard the drums saw the earthquake, Guan Hua Xiongs head came to the camp. The wine is still warm. " Our classical Chinese text concise, but to describe image details, people like himself, our words is really charming.

读后感英语 第2篇


During the summer vacation, I read a story book of the little prince, which tells us a fantastic story that happened in the Sahara desert in Africa. A pilot met a little prince coming from a foreign star. The little prince is looking for friendship all over the place.


He visited the six planet, the first planet lived a funny only want to take charge of the rights of the people; the second planet was inhabited by a conceited man; the third planet was inhabited by a drunkard; the fourth planet was inhabited by a greedy businessman; the fifth planet to live a selfish lamplighter; the sixth planet was inhabited by an unknown geographical scientist. At last, he came to the earth and met a lot of friends. He knew that love and friendship were higher than everything. He was finally looking for love and friendship around us.

读后感英语 第3篇

Novels can basically be divided into two parts, one is written on the battlefield, and the other is written by Henry and Catherine. As for the war scenes, because there are many geographical nouns in the novel, plus geopolitical unfamiliar, it is not for the time being. In spite of this, a novel or to allow readers to feel the cruelty of war is boring strike the eye and rouse the mind. For example, when Henry was injured and returned to the rear, Hemingway described a simple scene of a soldiers dripping when he died, such as the killing of a compatriot at the time of a large retreat. A driver of Henry, who felt he had not killed an enemy on the battlefield, collapsed a British man to boast of the day; the Italy gendarmerie shot the loss of the Ministry. The officers of the team were almost arbitrary, and they were all Italian.

In those years, we always had all the things we didnt want to happen to him. The two groups, even more ambitions, went into a lot of people. They did not know what the war was. They hated him but obedient to him. They all defaults to live well after the war, but most of them defaults that the war was going to take his life. In such a situation of being submitting to killing, they fought hard.

In the work of farewell to arms, Hemingway spoke frankly and openly about his stand against the war. He is not like others trying to create a strong war scene, he only respect the facts, and the victims of every war; in life we have to have the spirit of Hemingway, in fact, to prove the mistake, do not see the people, no own opinion, and finally only backwardness and absurdity.

Destiny is in your own hands, do not blindly bleed, do not sacrifice meaninglessly, recognize yourself, life will go far, and it will be worth living. Keep clear mind every day and develop towards the direction of life.

读后感英语 第4篇

How many books have I read? No, I had no idea. But what I like best is "Holmes". The book was written by detective Holmes, who cleverly and cleverly broke many cases. Narrated one after another splendid story, causes the reader to be personally immersive. Holmes was a little strange, he was good at anatomy, and he was also a first-class pharmacist, but he never studied medicine systematically.

Holmes has a lot to learn from, for example, he never gets nervous when he meets difficulties, and he calmly faces, and we fall back when we have some difficulties. Maybe it was his different features that attracted me.

After reading this book, I once again to Holmes impressed, because hes not doing, not only at the crime scene for fingerprints, see shoe prints, he will put the stolen things where the original look, this is calculated when the stolen; he will see through the crime scene to calculate crime in order to find the means of clue and evidence. He doesnt often personally in the street around looking for criminals, he knew a few reasons: first, they will act rashly and alert the enemy. Two, such a person looking around, criminals may be elsewhere. So he called waif, familiar with the city because of Waif geography, the number can be split up, and when they do not. He will listen defense people". It was his special means that he could capture the criminal unconsciously.

Holmess style of work set up a new banner I also have a lot of help: in the face of the task, I can do. When I play games with children, I often try to be different. I use some new games I created to let children learn knowledge and skills in the game......

Holmes is a strong man, once a pistol bullet, still caught the criminals, and I should learn from Holmes, so when encountered difficulties, I rarely cry.

I love "Sherlock Holmes", I recommend it to you, and I wish you the same love.

读后感英语 第5篇







读后感英语 第6篇









读后感英语 第7篇

Over the course of this semester,I read a moving book:THE LITTLE PRINCE.It impressed me a lot,especially,the pure but deep emotion(love) between the characters such as the pilot and the little prince,the rose and the little prince,the fox and the little prince.The book remind me of the pure and nice emotion only found in childhood.

The main character our little prince live on a planet named B612 accompany with there volcanoes an a rose who falls in love with him but can not understand each other.Consequencely,he leave his planet and his endless travelling.During this period,he come across a diversity of people. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Then he enter earth and found thousands of roses alike.The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only ,plenty of her kind are everywhere, but then he realizes that his rose is special because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen . Then he fall across the fox.She

teaches the prince It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye

What impresses me the most is the fox’s words.love is a strange stuff.Sometimes we see it but can’t grasp it.Yet, true love may be, to some extent, invisible in surface but may last permanent.Apart from love, others as well.Indeed,sometimes what we consider right turn out to be wrong,what we consider real proves fictitious,what we confused may just turn out to be the truth.The path In searching for truth may long and time-consuming,we should harbour conviction,b will and high hope.No matter what barriade in front of us,we ought to be couragous and face up to the challenge.

读后感英语 第8篇















读后感英语 第9篇

In Little Women, you will meet the March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth & Amy who live with their mother, Marmee, and their maid Hannah, during the Civil The first half of the novel takes place while their father is away, serving in the Each sister has a distinct personality, a reader, an artist, a musician, the quiet You will get to know this family in touching little stories of their daily Each chapter seems to set up a moral lesson for the reader to We also meet a wonderful set of neighbors, Laurence and his nephew "Laurie" who quickly find a place as part of the March

The second half of the novel, focuses on the girls as they leave their childhood and begin their journey into adult Lessons of friendship, family, and love are covered as we join the characters through the ups and downs of life, good times and It seems that Louisa May Alcott used her own family as the basis for the stories in Little Women, basing the character Jo on It is amazing how though the book was written in the late 1800's, so many things about humans remain the The foundations of life that are important in friendships, family & love don't change through time, as Alcott has shared with This is a book that young and old can read and

读后感英语 第10篇



第一. 教学要以学生为主体,面向全体学生。所以我在设计教学目标、教学内容、教学过程和教学评价等的时候应该充分考虑到全体学生的发展需求。教学目标应该重难点突出,教学内容做到难易结合,教学过程中应该争取让每个学生都参与进来,教学评价中应采取学生个人自评、学生互评和教师评价相结合的方式。

第二. 对整个三年的教学应该有一个规划。英语学习具有渐进性和持续性的特点,需要逐渐积累。作为初中英语老师,我也要熟悉小学和高中的课程,做好衔接。同时还应对初中三年的教学内容有一个全面连贯的认识,使自己的教学更加符合学生的认知和教学规律。

第三. 重视教学情境的创设。课标强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。在平时的教学中,应尽量为学生创设真实的情境,为学生提供运用语言的机会,鼓励学生通过体验实践、探究合作等方式逐步掌握语言知识和技能,调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力。

第四. 对学生的评价方式应该多样化。应该采取形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方法。形成性评价要及时对学生的学习情况进行反馈,促进学生调整学习态度和方法等,提高学习效果。终结性评价要注重考查学生听说读写各方面的能力水平。

第五. 加强对学生学习策略的指导。争取让学生在义务教育阶段就逐步形成良好的学习策略和方法,这对于他们日后进一步的学习和自学都有很大的帮助。


读后感英语 第11篇

I read <> in this winter vacation.I like Canterbury Tales very much.

The Canterbury Tales is not only a collection.It is have many functions.

For example:

(1):It shows a broad picture of the society.Pilgrims from all walks of life: the knight, monks, scholars, lawyers, businessmen, craftsmen, farmers, Miller.

(2):It adopts various literary genre of the middle ages, a knight legend, hagiography, sermon, fable.

(3):Description and story of the characters of the total sequence and opening itself interesting, full of humor.

(4):Characteristics on the narrator's own language, each story reflects the narrator identity, interest, hobbies, occupation and life experience.

Works of humor and irony, strong sense of comedy, in which most stories with double rhyme verse, influence on later English literature.Figures.

It is a great book.

读后感英语 第12篇

The writer writing unfolds, first is entire French

society’s one typical window -----small city Varriale’spolitical pattern. The aristocrat is born GermanSwitzerland that mayor is restores the dynasty in herehighest representative, the maintenance restorationpolitical power, prevents the bourgeoisie free partymember is in power in politics regards as the inherentresponsibilities.

Poor collection post manager Valno thepromise originally is the petty bourgeois, as a result of hires oneself the church secret organization saint canobtain the now the fat difference, thus oneself withrestoration political power hitch in same place.Transcription hall Father Maslon is the spy which thechurch sends, all people’s words and deeds all under hissurveillance, the time which mutually supports in thisking place and the sacrificial altar, is person whichwields great power with great arrogance. These threepeople constitute " Three heads Politic ", reflected therestoration influence the aspect which you the cityrrogated all powers to oneself in Varriale.But theiropposite, is a large number, has the huge economicpotentiality aggressive bourgeoisie free party member.Stendhal describes to the people guarantees king partymember’s be domineering and tyrannical, on the one handagain let the people draw such conclusion: Grasps has theeconomic potentiality the bourgeoisie, also will decide inpolitics is the final victor.

《 The Red and the Black 》the book in circulation revolutionized in July, 1830before, takes charge of soup reaches unexpectedly pictures understands clearly historical movement this oneinevitably tends to.

